About Grantsville High
Principal Aagard
Assistant Principal Thornton
Assistant Principal Barney
Principal's Message
Welcome to Grantsville High School, Home of the Cowboys!
GHS is rich in tradition and welcomes you to our school. It is my honor and pleasure to have the opportunity to serve as the principal of GHS.This is my 9th year as an administrator in the Tooele County School District. I am a native of Grantsville and a graduate of GHS. I look forward with enthusiasm to the new school year. I am excited to continue to serve as the Principal of Grantsville High School.
As the new school year begins, it brings excitement and anticipation. The 2024-2025 school year will be exciting as we welcome our incoming Freshman and welcome back our familiar faces from last year to continue their academic journey. High School has a dedicated staff who believes that ALL students can learn and are committed to helping each student achieve his/her potential.
This year we will continue with our school theme “Commit to the G”.
Our students, staff, and stakeholders are committing to academic excellence, with high levels of learning, quality instruction, student engagement, and assessment accountability.
Committing to the Pride, Excellence, and Tradition of our great school through school spirit, positivity, and accountability.
Please encourage your student to Commit to getting involved in extracurricular sports, clubs, and activities-we have lots to offer our students.
We commit to a safe and secure environment with clear procedures and commit to “see something, hear something, say something”.
We welcome you to “Commit to the G” and support your student(s) and Grantsville High SchoolSincerely,
Kenna Aagard